Share the Plate Recipient for September 2024 is HOME Youth Services

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is HOME Youth Services.

HOME Youth Services Together the Drop In & Taylor’s House provides 24/7/365 resources to youth ages 11-18 who are experiencing homelessness, poverty, fleeing abuse and neglect, and who are otherwise highly vulnerable. Donations are greatly appreciated as they are necessary to continue to provide these vital services. We find it an honor to serve the over 2,000 youth experiencing homelessness throughout Marion & Polk counties. HOME is a program of the Mid Willamette Valley Community Action Agency.

Please consider making a separate,  one-time donation this month with HOME Youth Services on the memo line, or as a Share the Plate donation.