What Will Be Happening in Sunday Services

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The new liturgical year is fast approaching and the folks that do Sunday Services (Celebrants, Homilists, Music, Production) want you to know what’s coming up!

  • September 1 – Annual Sparkle and Clean, a short service followed by Facilities Team letting us know what inside the building and possibly outside the building could do with a little love in terms of cleaning. Bring gloves.
  • September 8 – Annual Water Communion service and the start of our liturgical year. The Choir will be back so contact musicdirection@uusalem.org. if you would like to join. If you think of it, bring a small vial of water representing somewhere you have traveled or the importance of water in your life. Don’t worry if you forget, there will be representative water available for you to use as well. Together we will blend our water and our connections to each other as we begin our new year.
  • October 6 – Annual Animal Blessing service. As has become our practice lately, we will bless both photos of animals as well as live well-behaved animals who choose to join their human friends in the service. Be on the lookout in September for when to send a photo with your name and animal’s name to productionteam@uusalem.org.
  • October 13 – Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennison joins us for a welcoming service before her official start in November.
  • October 27 – Annual Appreciating Our Ancestors service. The theme this year will be looking at how different cultures have their creation stories. What are their similarities and differences and how have they fostered connections between us throughout time. It is hoped that Dances for Universal Peace leader Pam Pritchard will be able to join us.
  • November 3 – Annual Microfinance Team service. Ron Hockley returns to give us the latest update on how our contributions to different small business owners throughout the world have helped move people a little out of poverty and into doing something meaningful and purposeful in their lives.
  • November 10 – Rev. Monica Jacobsen Tenneson starts her first official Sunday Service. Right after the election too. Hmmm. This happened when she started her internship with us as well. Wonder what the outcome will be this time around.

Rev. Monica will do Sunday services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month and the Homilist group will do the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays, with a couple of exceptions.

After that, it is pretty much regular Sundays, with the addition of Christmas Eve Service.

Look for a service focused on Animal Therapy in January of 2025.

Thanks for joining us on Sundays! – The Worship Team