All the Details! Farewell Fiesta for Rick and Gordana June 23

COME ONE, COME ALL Sunday June 23 to celebrate Rev Rick’s retirement after 31+ years as our minister and friend. Starting at 10:30 am, the Worship Team will offer a special service, Nurturing the Sacred, that honors Rev Rick’s compassionate leadership and our congregation as a community ready to move forward with gratitude and courage. Special music will be featured by the choir and UU musicians, Guy Hallman and George Struble.

Immediately after the service, all are invited into the Hanneman Fellowship Hall, which will be specially decorated for Rev Rick’s and his wife, Gordana’s, farewell party!

This is a potluck so bring your favorite dish to share: entrees, casseroles, sides, salads, breads, fruits, desserts, cheese, crackers, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free. You know what to do! Please leave your food in the kitchen before service. Put your name on your dish so it can be returned to you.

During the party, several special gifts will be presented to Rev Rick and Gordana. There will be time for people to share favorite personal Rick memories. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to say thank you before they walk out into a well-deserved, unscripted, free-verse adventure called retirement.

Finally, volunteers are wanted: to set up and manage the food tables, wash dishes, tear down tables and clean up. Please contact: Barbara Stebbins-Boaz Forever grateful!