Results of the Annual Meeting May 19, 2024

Voting at our annual congregational meeting

The annual meeting of UUCS convened a few minutes after noon on Sunday, May 19, 2024, after a delicious potato bar prepared by board members Tracy Boyle and Chris Keese-Ferguson. Seventy-two people were present at the meeting and 9 members attended by Zoom. The board would like to thank Jo Sweeney and Loriann Schmidt for their fine work with the Zoom voting and slide presentation respectively.
The chalice lighting by Barbara Stebbins-Boaz and Sara Shatto began the meeting. Eric Schuman honored the members who had died during the 2023-24 church year.
After the Chair’s annual review of the year, Treasurer Steve Ovens presented the board recommended budget for the 2024-25 church year. This budget was possible because of the generosity of this community during the annual pledge drive that was chaired by Craig Rowland and Ben Cavaletto. The budget was approved by the congregation present and online.
Sara Shatto and Barbara Stebbins-Boaz presented the slate of officers for the Board of Directors for 2024-25. Chair Sara Pickett, Vice-Chair Dell Ford, Secretary Hannah Batu were nominated and approved. Steve Ovens continues as Treasurer for two more years.
There are 3 Director’s positions and this year we had 4 people interested in serving our community. We thank all 4 for being willing to serve. Tracy Boyle, Craig Rowland and Teresa Farnum were elected.
Nominations for two members for the Nominating Committee were presented and elected. The Nominating Committee will consist of Sara Shatto, Barbara Stebbins-Boaz and Christine Ertl for 2024-25.
Congratulations to all members elected to serve our congregation in the coming 2024-25 church year. Thank you for your willingness to serve.
After Chair-elect Sara Pickett shared her hopes for the coming year, Sara Shatto and Barbara gave us closing words and the meeting ended. Thanks to everyone for their interest in our community and its governance.