Update on Minister Search

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Our Interim Minister Committee has been working with the UUA to recruit and hire an Interim Minister. Additionally, you of the congregation contributed information about your hopes and dreams for our future during committee meetings with you. The committee incorporated this information with other information in our Congregation Profile and interview questions. We thank you for your contributions.

However, despite your hard work and the committee’s, we were not able to find the right match for our congregation. Because we were not able to offer an Interim Minister position to anyone, we are pivoting to hire a Contract Minister.

A Contract Minister would partner with us in the usual ways, being in the pulpit, providing staff support and pastoral care. However, a Contract Minister may lack training to support a congregation in their specific transition work to a new settled minister. Also, in contrast to the hiring process for an Interim, the hiring process for a Contract Minister has no timeline and applicants interested in the position can contact our committee directly.
We have no idea how long it will take us now to hire a Contract Minister. But we will update you as we proceed. In the meantime, the Board will begin preparing for our future without an Interim Minister.
Please feel free to contact Lynn Cardiff , Robert Galloway or Christine Ertl with questions, input, reactions, etc.