Team Council Meeting March 10

There will be a Team Council Meeting March 10 at 12 pm in the Blue Room (in the LRE wing).
The Team Council is tasked with coordination of all UUCS recognized teams and affiliated ministries. It serves as a collective conduit for communication with the UUCS Board under the coordination of the UUCS Board Vice Chair. This Council allows for cross-communication between teams to share ideas and reduce duplication of efforts or working at cross-purposes as we work toward our common goals: creating a welcoming, compassionate and engaged spiritual community.
All Team Leaders are asked to attend the Team Council meeting, and any committee, group or Affiliated Ministry is welcome to attend. Bring your snacks and coffee from the Fellowship Hall. On the agenda will be a final report on the Strategic Plan that all teams have worked diligently on, the Interim Minister search and fundraising specifically for the Stewardship Campaign.
Contact Christine Ertl, Board Vice Chair for further informationĀ