Pledge Drive Matching Opportunity

As we embark on this year’s pledge drive under the theme “Building our Legacy,” I am thrilled to share an exciting opportunity that magnifies the impact of your pledges.

An anonymous consortium has generously pledged to enhance our efforts. For every $5000 increase in pledges this year, the consortium will contribute an additional $1000. This extraordinary offer extends up to $20,000, potentially rewarding us with up to $100,000 in pledge increases. This means that your commitment to our beloved congregation not only helps secure our future but also triggers additional support from this generous consortium. Your individual pledges collectively contribute to a substantial community effort that has the potential to make a significant difference.

Please take a moment to reflect on the impact your pledge can have, not only in sustaining our community but also in unlocking this incredible opportunity. Let’s come together, pledge generously, and watch as our shared efforts create a lasting legacy for our church.
Join us over the next three Sundays as we share personal testimonies and continue to build the future of our spiritual home.

Here are some important links:

2024 – 2025 Pledge Form

UUA Fair Share Guide

Pledge Drive FAQ

Warm regards,
Craig Rowland, pledge drive chair