O.W.L Sex Education for Youth Offered

With our kids living in a world of YouTube and TikTok, it’s important that they are educated about the things they are seeing & hearing. UUCS is offering the Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education program for youth in grades 7 and 8. Classes will be Tuesdays at 7 to 9 pm from January 9 through April 23, 2024 at UUCS, 5090 Center Street NE. Salem, OR 97317.

Learn more at the REQUIRED two sessions of Parent Orientation on December 5 and 12 from 7 to 9 pm. RSVP for the Parent Orientation by clicking here.

While Our Whole Lives was developed by two progressive religious denominations, this curriculum is secular, free of specific religious doctrine and reflects inclusive and justice-oriented values. While the program equips youth with knowledge, attitudes and skills to avoid unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, it has the more proactive goal of helping youth to become sexually healthy people who feel good about themselves and their bodies, remain healthy and build positive, equitable loving relationships. The curriculum is inclusive, developmentally appropriate and comprehensive in the topics that it covers.