Good Samaritan Bag Project on Hold – Collections Continue

Due to the Covid-19 crisis, we’ll be discontinuing the Good Samaritan Bag Project. We’ll make sure that donations we already have are given to the unsheltered community and to non-profits such as Safe Sleep and The Kindness Closet.
In the meantime, in order to help meet the needs of the unsheltered, we’ll be collecting donations for From Sullivan, a group of volunteers who put together We Care Kits. These are given to the HOAP Day Center, an outreach of Northwest Human Services, who distribute the kits to unsheltered individuals and families.
Items needed are: gallon size zip lock bags, applesauce, breakfast bars, fruit cups, cheese dippers, jerky, small roll of crackers, sandwich crackers, raisins, peanut butter, peanut packets, scooby snacks (fruit snacks), trail mix, tuna salad, disposable silverware packs (eco-friendly if possible), disposal spoons. They also do hygiene bags and items needed for those are: quart size ziplock bags, band-aids, kleenex packets, handy wipes and socks.
All items need to be individual sizes.
We’ll have a table in the foyer of the church with plastic bins labelled We Care Kits to collect donations. Donations can be dropped by anytime during office hours. Any questions can be directed to
In this time of uncertainty, it’s important for us to join in an effort to help others. This is a way for us to continue social distancing and yet do something together.