UU Voices for Justice at UUCS October 15

Oregon Voices for Justice

Oregon Voices for Justice

Oregon Unitarian Universalist Voices for Justice invites you to our Seventh Annual Meeting in Salem on Saturday, October 15.  We gather together to celebrate our accomplishments, make plans for the coming year, and commit ourselves to supporting each other in our quest for a more just Oregon.
The ORUUVfJ board has suggested 4 broad campaigns for the coming year:
  • Environmental Justice,
  • Deepening Democracy,
  • Human Rights, and
  • Income Inequality.
Our meeting agenda includes choosing specific issues within each area and organizing to be effective advocates. The Oregon legislature will be meeting for a long session in 2017. Much will be on the table; much is already happening in Salem. Let us make sure UU voices are represented during the legislature’s deliberations.
Come prepared to:
· Share what your congregation is doing for social, economic, and environmental justice in your community.
· Tell us how our statewide group might support those efforts.
· Join one of our four justice campaigns.
· Renew your membership in Oregon UU Voices for Justice.
Visit our web site at www.uuvoicesoregon.org to learn more about our campaigns and find out how to propose specific issues to address within a particular campaign. Then register on our web site and join us in Salem.
Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required. Pre-register here: www.uuvoicesoregon.org/registration.html.
Beverages and light snacks will be provided. We are working on having lunch available for a modest fee (maybe $5). Please RSVP to oregonuuvoices@yahoo.com by Oct. 10 so we know how much food to have on hand.
If you have a Salem home you can offer to those attending, please  advise Cecilia Craig at
cccraig24@yahoo.com  if you can accommodate them.