Month of July ‘Share the Plate” recipient: Shelly’s House

The “Share the Plate” recipient for July 2016 is Shelly’s House – Transitional Housing and Services for Recovering Women Ex-Offenders. Shelly’s House provides affordable, transitional housing for female offenders in Salem. It is owned and operated by Shelly’s House, Inc., established in 1993. Shelly’s House, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization.

The board works to maintain community partnerships for the provision of mentoring and assistance to Shelly’s House residents in learning sustainable life skills, financial planning, and how to live honestly without alcohol or drugs in harmony with others. The mission is to provide alcohol- and drug-free affordable housing for women offenders including structure and support for successful community re-integration through programs and community resources.

The house provides eight beds, and nine in five attached apartments. Income is generated through first-month housing subsidy, residents finding jobs and paying some living expenses, grants, gifts, and donations.

They are very grateful for any help provided, whether it be in the form of cash donations, clean lightly used linens or furniture, usable kitchenware or lawn and household maintenance tools. One wonderful volunteer provides on-call plumbing services which are often needed. They also need the services of an electrician and a handy man and would welcome someone who could donate those services on occasion.