Begin Again, Learn Zen Again in January

Each Wednesday evening from 7-9 p.m. in January, we are offering a wonderful opportunity at UUCS to ‘begin again, learn Zen again!’ It’s a month of Wednesday evening meditations and lectures to help us begin or return anew to including the peace and stillness of daily meditation in our new year.

It’s a series of sitting and walking meditations, silent tea and four talks. The first, on January 4th is ‘Being a Beginner (again and again)’ and will focus on enjoying the process of not knowing and being totally open and receptive in life. The next week (the 11th) includes a refresher on ‘the Fundamentals of Zen Practice’ and the third week (the 18th) focuses on ‘How to Maintain a Regular Meditation Practice’. The month concludes on January 25th with ‘Sitting Still and forgetting the Self.’