Concert for the Trees Friday 10 am

Everyone is invited to our annual “Concert For The Trees”. Join us with the McKay High School Orchestra as they play lullabies to put the trees to sleep for the Winter, Friday, Oct 13th at 10:00am in Bateman Woods. I hope you will join us! Ashley from Kaleidoscope

Attend Board Forum October 15

Following the service on October 15, get your coffee and treat and then come back into the Sanctuary at noon to chat with the UUCS Board members. You will be able to learn more about all the improvements Facilities Team has been doing this year, check on any news regarding the Ministerial Search, and bring … Continue reading Attend Board Forum October 15

Trunk or Treat October 28

Music!! Candy! Games!! Cars with elaborate decorations wrapped around the entire parking lot to pass out candy to the community! Join us Saturday, October 28 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm for these free activities. For more information text or call DLRE Molly Brown at 971-239-7384 or email her at To reserve one of the parking … Continue reading Trunk or Treat October 28

Celebrate Same Sex Unions November 5

On November 5, we will be commemorating 50+ years of same sex union services in Unitarian Universalism, and we invite you to be recognized! If you have had a same sex union service in a church (UU or otherwise), please contact Eric Schuman at or speak to him on Sunday.

Covenant of Respectful Relations

As members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem, we commit ourselves to practicing Unitarian Universalist principles in our daily lives. To that end we aspire To join with each other because we are a  stronger community together.          Be a welcoming congregation that encourages diversity         … Continue reading Covenant of Respectful Relations

Part-time Custodian Needed

Do you enjoy or does someone you know enjoy cleaning and would want to work for UUCS? We are looking for a part-time custodian. The hours average 10 per week and are fairly flexible. We need someone with cleaning experience to provide a clean, safe, healthy, welcoming building for the congregation and rentals. Please send … Continue reading Part-time Custodian Needed

October 18 Peace Lecture Features Poor People’s Campaign Co-Chair

The 34th Annual Salem Peace Lecture will feature the Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, co chair of the national Poor People’s Campaign on Wednesday, October 18 at 7:30 pm. It will be held at Hudson Hall in the Rogers Music Center at Willamette University. Her talk is titled “Peace, Peace When There is No Peace: Addressing … Continue reading October 18 Peace Lecture Features Poor People’s Campaign Co-Chair

Life Story Group Registration Now!

Please join 3 Life Story Group meetings on 10/9, 11/13 and 12/11 from 2 pm – 3:30 pm at UUCS in Hanneman Hall (extra space for the Covid-wary). A free 26-page manual will be provided based on the 2-page technique (sharing limited to 2-pages/5 min–explained in the manual). Six to ten participants (preference to those … Continue reading Life Story Group Registration Now!

Share the Plate Recipient for October 2023 is Salem for Refugees

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is Salem for Refugees. The mission of Salem for Refugees … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for October 2023 is Salem for Refugees