Microfinance Quilt Sale a Success!

The quilt sale for the UUCS Microfinance project is over, and all quilts were sold.  The Microfinance Committee thanks the Congregation for your purchases and contributions.  More contributions can be sent to the church with a “MICROFINANCE” notation.  The funds will make a huge difference in the lives of some of the poorest of the poor in Nicaragua … Continue reading Microfinance Quilt Sale a Success!

Health Precautions Recommended

As we know, COVID cases are on the rise, here and in the larger community. Also flu and other respiratory diseases historically are more common in winter months. Please be thoughtful of others, mindful of your own health, take precautions, but know we welcome you to join us in community at each Sunday service.

Jolly Diners Meet November 9

Jolly Diners is a gathering of folks committed to taking a break from negativity! This month is a big one for Jolliness! Thursday, November 9 happens to be Geriatric Toothfairy Day, Chaos Never Dies Day, AND World Freedom Day….! Join us at 6 pm at Marco Polo Restaurant where there is food for every palate. … Continue reading Jolly Diners Meet November 9

Share the Plate Recipient for November 2023 is Microfinance

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is our Microfinance project.  The UUCS Microfinance project makes small loans to … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for November 2023 is Microfinance

Benefit Concert November 12

Pianist Greg Lief and the Cherry City Quartet will provide a Musical Journey through Chopin and Ravel on Sunday, November 12 at 2 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem, (UUCS). Greg Lief has been playing the piano since the age of four. His acoustic piano repertoire is split between ragtime (Scott Joplin) and … Continue reading Benefit Concert November 12

Dress Warmly at Church Through November 3

Our heating and air conditioning contractor is installing our new system, which is quite complicated. He advises that there will be no heat in the building through November 3. If you attend services, or a meeting at church before then, dress warmly!

Jolly Diners October 19

Jolly Diners is back! I hope you have had some Jollitude over the summer, are ready to share some of that, and to celebrate the Joy of Living over a meal at Marco Polo Restaurant with like minded people on Thursday, October 19 at 6 pm! That’s one of my longest sentences ever… Steve Rosen