Restorative Communication Offered by Safer Congregation Committee

Anyone who has a concern or knowledge of sexual harassment or abuse in our church is urged to contact a member of the Safer Congregation Committee for further consideration.A newer offering is a Restorative Communication program that helps resolve conflicts between members using a mediation-type process.Talk to the folks with the blue ribbons on our … Continue reading Restorative Communication Offered by Safer Congregation Committee

Invitation to Zachary & Emily Davis Wedding Reception

Everyone is cordially invited to join us for a reception on Saturday December 23 at 3 pm at UUCS to congratulate our son Zachary and his new wife Emily on their marriage. On November 25, I officiated at their wedding in Bath, Ohio. Please join us.~Rev. Rick and Gordana.

Technical Difficulties December 10

No live stream was available for the service December 10. Bob Muir spoke on “Me or We?” However the recording will be available soon under Past Services. We regret the inconvenience.

Holiday Rummage Givaway Dec. 17

The LRE Youth Group is hosting a Holiday Rummage Giveaway on December 17 at 2 pm. Everything is free! If you’d like to donate, please bring your items (that can fit in a paper bag) to UUCS before the 15th. You can leave it in the Youth Group Classroom or leave it with Emma, the office manager … Continue reading Holiday Rummage Givaway Dec. 17

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

Join us for the annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on December 24 at 7 pm. It will be an evening music and carols, ancient stories and prayers. All ages are welcome. If you can donate poinsettias to decorate the sanctuary on Christmas Eve, please bring them by the church before the event, or call the … Continue reading Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

Memoir Writing Class in January

Everyone has a story to tell. If you’ve ever considered that you might want to write your story down, put your journey into words, leave a written legacy as a gift to your family, now is the time to get that adventure started! Gloria Holland, a retired English teacher and printed memoir writer, will gently … Continue reading Memoir Writing Class in January