Thanks for the Help!

Thanks for the Help!

Thanks to Joan Stembridge’s organization and “get -to” attitude the area of Cordon Road that UUCS sponsors is all cleaned up of trash.Merrit Albert, James and Joan Stembridge, Bob Muir, Barbara Stebbins- Boaz, Greg Gregg and Sara Pickett all met Saturday July 16th and spent close to 2 hours picking up trash along the east … Continue reading Thanks for the Help!

Gun Safety Measure on the Ballot!

WE DID IT!!Lift Every Voice Oregon was SUCCESSFUL in getting the initiative on Gun Safety onto the November ballot!This is great news! UUCS members actively participated in collecting signatures for this initiative. Thank you so much! There will be a strong effort led by Lift Every Voice Oregon to get this ballot measure passed in … Continue reading Gun Safety Measure on the Ballot!

UUCS Seeks Music Director

Only a short time after hiring a director for our music program and choir, UUCS is on the hunt again. Dr. Robert Whalen has left to assume a full-time position at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York State. The Music Director’s primary role is to provide inspiring, diverse, multi-cultural and theme-enhancing choral and instrumental music … Continue reading UUCS Seeks Music Director

UUA GA Outcome of Elections and Voting

Hi Fellow UUCS Congregational Members and Friends,Well, GA 2022 is over, and we – Ben, Barbara, Bob, Joel and Sara – your delegates- were able to take advantage of the multi-platform presentation to attend business and workshops either virtually, in-person or both. More articles are on their way, about the Article II Committee, what “Normal” … Continue reading UUA GA Outcome of Elections and Voting

Homilists and Storytellers Recognized

In the Fall 2021 Rev. Rick announced the formation of a new shared ministry at the UUCS – Homilists and Storytellers. On June 12, Rev. Rick confirmed Marcia Christensen, Greg Gregg, Gloria Holland, Makenzie Kleutsch, Bob Muir, Sara Pickett, Barbara Stebbins-Boaz, Janet Stevens, Paul Wilson, Don Wolf and Bonnie Tarwater as members of the new … Continue reading Homilists and Storytellers Recognized

Is Gardening Your Happy Place?

Now that our front entry garden has been re-landscaped, it needs a loving, caring hand to keep it at its best. It has recently been tucked under bark dust to discourage the spring weeds and is in good shape. As summer approaches it will need tweaking and watering and will always be open to your … Continue reading Is Gardening Your Happy Place?

Kaleidoscope has New Sign In Sheet

Kaleidoscope asks everyone who visits the UUCS grounds during the weekdays when Kaleidoscope is in session to sign in on the new Sign-in Sheets posted on the south side of the RE Shed. This includes the landscaping crew and people that come to garden/walk around the grounds. This new precaution is in response to the … Continue reading Kaleidoscope has New Sign In Sheet