Updated COVID Guidelines March 12

With sensitivity to our vulnerable and immunocompromised friends, the Reopening Team has determined guidelines to be in place as of March 12. These guidelines are subject to change.

Masks are required while in the sanctuary for Sunday services so that singing can continue and we can gather in closer quarters together safely.
At all other times in the building masks are encouraged, but optional.

Vaccination or medical exemption is required to be in the building.

Registration for Sunday services is not required but recommended.

Contact tracing is eliminated. If someone tests positive within five days of attending Sunday service, let the office know and an email notice will go out to the entire congregation. If you need a rapid test contact the office.

As always if you are sick, stay home until your symptoms have been gone for at least 24 hours. If you test positive for COVID, please quarantine for five days or until you are symptom free – which ever is longest.