September Services; Sparkle and Clean and Water Communion

The September 4 service will be an interactive service that is shorter than usual and will not be live streamed. It will be followed by the annual Sparkle and Clean activity sponsored by the Facilities Team before the start of each new church year. Come and help shine up UUCS! We will primarily be working in the foyer, sanctuary and fellowship hall, dusting, vacuuming and washing the many windows. Please plan to join us that Sunday. Newcomers, and those unable to help clean, will be able to join a discussion with Rev. Rick after the service.

On September 11, we start our church year with the annual Water Communion Service, “One Drop at a Time”. Remember to bring a small vessel of water representing somewhere you have been this year or a place that is meaningful to you. The September 11 service will be presented both in-person and via live-stream.