The Tides of March with Bob Muir

The Tides of March bring us information about Bob Muir, a recent addition to the folks from Behind the Chalice.  Check out his idea at the end and stay tuned for information on how that will happen!  – Yours, from Behind The Chalice

Name: Bob Muir

 Position/s for Sunday Services: Celebrant, homily speaker (both recent)

 What do you most like about your position/s: I enjoy the opportunity to work with others on the Worship Team to help make Sunday worship a richly meaningful experience for everyone.

 What is one thing you would change: I would move announcements outside the service in several ways. First, give those entering the service a paper announcements leaflet. Then, after service ends, project an announcement slide that people see as they leave the sanctuary. Finally, we should remind everyone about the announcement board in Hanneman Hall and to check the monthly newsletter, Chalice and Flame, the weekly email blast, This Week at UUCS. 

What is your idea of perfect happiness: Oh my, that is rare! However, I remember walking out on the deck one sunny day and looking into our backyard at the trees, bushes and flowers. My wife Becky, now deceased, followed me out. I became aware that I was perfectly content with the way everything was at the moment. I would not change a thing. I wanted nothing more. I told her I was happy and why.

 What is your greatest achievement: I believe it has been being a loving and supportive father to my son and daughter.

 What do you regard as the lowest depths of despair: Watching Becky die of a brain aneurysm while being unable to do anything to help her or even let her know I was there.

 What is your greatest extravagance: That’s hard to know. However, one big guilty pleasure was on the day I went for a test ride in a bright red Prius, with no intention of buying any car. But, buy it I did. I was smitten! 

 Who or what is the greatest love of your life: Family always has been: Barbara and my two children and my grandchildren, Becky and my parents (now gone), and my two brothers and sister, nephews, nieces and grand ones, too!

 Who are your heroes in fiction: Jean Valjean and then many more I’m sure.

 Who are your heroes in real life: Thich Nhat Hahn, Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Lhamo Thondup-the Dali Lama, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Sidhartha Guatama-the Buddha and Jesus of Nazareth-prophet of love. I see a pattern here: all deeply religious people. And, then, there is Socrates- seeker of truth and wisdom.

What is a meaningful piece of music for you: I love many kinds of music, but among them all perhaps I have listened to and enjoyed most Dvorak’s “Symphony from the New World.”

Where do you like to go in nature to revive: Those holy redwoods of Northern California, especially Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park. Closer, second best, is Silver Falls State Park.

Anything else: Yes, after we finish these Behind the Chalice bios, let’s do “Before the Chalice,” asking similar questions of those in the congregation who are willing to share something about themselves.