“UU Democracy In Action”– Link to 6:30, December 15 Online Discussion

As background for the December 6, 2020 sermon by Rev. Rick at UUCS, “UU Democracy in Action” the UUCS Committee on Ministry (CoM) is releasing three documents for people to understand the full history of what has been happening in the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (UUMA) movement that has caused alarm.

As you’ve heard from Rev. Rick, the CoM has been supportive of Rev. Rick and his support of Rev. Todd Eklof as a colleague, Good Officer, and most importantly a friend, in light of the 2019 General Assembly in Spokane and the events that occurred there. CoM has encouraged conversation regarding Rev. Todd Eklof’s book, “The Gadfly Papers,” which was published and is sold on Amazon. We held three congregational discussion sessions on the book and listened to our members and friends about their opinions with respect.

From input during these meetings, the idea was brought up of making a public statement from our congregation to be sent to the UUA and UUMA about their censure of Rev. Todd Eklof and about the UUA being regarded as a White Supremacy institution. Many members and friends as well as Rev. Rick and our congregation itself have reached out to UUA and the UUMA to have a civil dialogue and discussion between Rev. Rick, Rev. Todd, the UUMA, and the UUA but all requests have fallen on deaf ears. 

The first of these three documents is the letter that Rev. Rick and other ministers sent to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (UUMA) resigning as members of the UUMA. Read the We Quit letter.

The second document is the Timeline and Background of Events. It describes the important dates and provides links to supplemental or source documents. CoM created this document for everyone, not just those in our congregation. After explaining what Unitarian Universalists believe, who UUCS is, and who Rev. Rick is, it starts in December 2009 and goes to the most recent events. Reference links will take you to outside sources to read more about what we are discussing so you can form your own opinion. Read the Timeline and Background of Discord with the UUA and the UUMA.

The third document is a draft of a chapter that Rev. Rick wrote sharing his theological reflections and explaining his experience as Rev. Todd’s Good Officer. It will eventually be part of a book for the Fifth Principle Book Project. Read the Good Offices Account-Chapter for Fifth Principle Book Project

CoM will hold a discussion session regarding this dispute on December 15 beginning at 6:30 pm. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE DISCUSSION on DECEMBER 15

~CoM Members: Ruth Larson, Joel Martin, Megan Roller, Eric Schuman, and Dina Triest