Technology is a Difficult Friend to Love – September 20

Some sad news about one of our own, not as tragic as Justice Ginsburg’s passing, but relevant to us nevertheless. It is about Gertie Mae, our laptop that has served for many years in the sanctuary providing viewing of the powerpoint slides for all to see. Yes, her name is Gertie Mae, bet you didn’t know that. She doesn’t tell many folks. She, unfortunately, is just not up to the task of recording, let alone live streaming, the Sunday services. I am sure you have noticed this the past 3 weeks. Luckily we have a forgiving and supporting community at UUCS and representatives from different teams/committees including, Production, Worship, Board, Communications, Finance, Facilities, Music, LRE, met during the week of September 14th and made some decisions regarding equipment and bandwidth needs. Hopefully in the next 3-4 weeks these issues will be resolved. Please bear with us and stay tuned! If you are wondering if we are really meeting on Sundays and recording, is a picture to prove it!

Rev. Braestrup’s sermon did make it to YouTube, so check it out.

In other fun news, the Zoom Fellowship Gathering after the services at 12:00 is going well! it is wonderful to see smiling faces and to hear that folks are doing as well as can be expected. Many on 9/20 expressed sadness about Justice Ginsburg passing and joy about rain and blue skies! Please check out the website for how to register and get the links to this weekly event.

Until next time, yours in service – Behind The Chalice