Final Updated Covenant of Respectful Relations for Vote at Annual Meeting.

At the entry to the UUCS building is a fountain in a shape reminiscent of a chalice and flame, the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. 2016-08

As many of you know, the board asked the UUCS Committee on the Ministry (or COM) to review and edit our current Covenant of Good Relations. (COM Members: Ruth Larson, Joel Martin, Megan Roller, Eric Schuman, Dina Triest.) After conducting a survey of UUCS members and friends, looking at what other churches have adopted in their own congregations, and holding discussions among ourselves, we have finalized a new covenant, which we renamed the Covenant of Respectful Relations.

Our old covenant was long and not extremely readable, but we have not abandoned it. COM’s survey of UUCS members and friends identified the key elements of the old covenant that mattered most. The survey results helped us draft this new covenant. COM’s mission with the Covenant of Respectful Relations was to produce a concise document that could be recited on an occasional Sunday morning and/or printed on a card. The card could be handed out to new members and guests to help them understand UUCS core values in addition to our principles.

The Committee on Ministry met Tuesday, July 21, to revise its proposed new covenant based on feedback and suggestions from several members and friends of the congregation. UUCS members will vote on the proposed Covenant at a congregational meeting in August. Read the entire revised text below.

Covenant of Respectful Relations
As members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem, we commit ourselves to practicing Unitarian Universalist principles in our daily lives.

To that end we aspire to:

  • Join with each other because we are a stronger community together.
  • Be a welcoming congregation that encourages diversity
  • Encourage participation of young people in the life of our congregation.
  • Encourage all to express their thoughts.
  • Foster healthy relationships
  • Treat others and ourselves with respect and kindness in our words
    and actions.
  • Closely protect what is told to us in confidence.
  • When there is conflict seek resolution in a constructive and timely

In all of these we strive for improvement, not perfection.
May it be so.

The revised proposed covenant in final draft is available as a separate document to download.