Gifts for MORPH- December 1 -15

Hand holding small christmas tree made up of snowflakes on a blue background. 2017-11-09

Hand holding small christmas tree made up of snowflakes on a blue background. 2017-11-09The Mindful Organization for the Recovery of Psychological Health, M.O.R.P.H. (formerly the Mental Health Association of Marion County) is asking for your support this holiday season with providing gifts for people with significant mental health conditions who are lacking support from friends or family. Please join us in reaching out to those who are so often alone and forgotten.

You are invited to select gift tags which will be on a Christmas Tree in the entryway. The gift items need to be returned wrapped or placed in a holiday card no later than December 15 with the tag attached. The tree will be available December 1, December 8 and December 15, the last day for bringing the gifts.
We appreciate your caring and generosity. For questions contact Nina Donnelly at