Social Justice Action Team Report for October 2018

  • The “Vote No” yard signs have been distributed.
  • One member of our team is working with IMirJ as they develop an informational tool kit about Measure 105 for faith communities. Members will continue to do phone banking and canvassing throughout October to inform our community about this harmful measure.
  • Two members attended the school board meeting and spoke, along with many others, to request the school board endorse a “no vote” on Ballot Measure 105. The school board did not.
  • Two members attended the Oregon UU Voices for Justice annual meeting to connect with about 20 others, to learn and share justice stories.
  • Rev. Rick and three others attended the IMirJ Fundraiser in Portland and had a great time celebrating this years accomplishments. The speakers included Stephen Manning from the Innovation Law Lab and a former detainee from Sheridan.
  • Rev. Rick told us he will be participating in the pilgrimage from Sheridan to NORCOR.
  • The SJAT continues to support all justice work in the ways we are able. Submitted by Patrice Pollard