Board Meeting Minutes – July 14

UUCS Board Meeting

Minutes of meeting July 14, 2016

Board Members:

Position Name Term end date Present
Chair LJ Frederickson June 30, 2017 Yes
Vice-Chair Petra Berger June 30, 2017 No
Secretary Paul Parmley June 30, 2017 Yes
Treasurer Lorna Youngs June 30, 2017 Yes
Director John Prohodsky June 30, 2018 Yes
Director David Jeffers (resigned) June 30, 2018 No
Director Susan Farris-Gosser June 30, 2018 Yes
Director Stephanie Jernstedt June 30, 2017 Yes
Director Elenie Smith June 30, 2017 Yes
Director JP Batmale June 30, 2017 No
Past Chair none (LJ Frederickson) June 30, 2017 N/A


Position Name Present
Minister Rick Davis No

Visitors: Samantha Scales, Lynn Cardiff, Victor Reppeto, Elsa Struble, Craig Rowland

The meeting was called to order by LJ Frederickson at 6:06 p.m.

A brief check-in was done by each board member.

LJ briefly discussed the book “The more-with-less church” she is reading that talks about volunteers not taking on more than two “hats”, one is preferable. The book discusses merging programs, optimizing volunteers, and limiting enrollment that taxes staff and volunteers. The book says to be cautious about starting new committees and groups, and to use volunteers wisely. The book recommends that leaders volunteer in only one or two ministries and suggests that the ministry is more effective when our volunteers focus their efforts.

Topic: New Business

  • LJ has had a number of people come to her about being verbally harassed by other church members. Our insurance company said that it is a requirement that our church provide training regarding harassment. The board would like to see Rick emphasize good relations, anti-harassment, topics from the pulpit and respectful communications. LJ would also like to be sure we are in compliance with the insurance company requirement which means there needs to be semi-regular trainings for the congregation. HR will be responsible for the training.
  • There are currently several closed committees including lifelines, the worship team, and the committee on the ministry, for various reasons. A closed committee is a committee where members must be invited or elected. It has been requested that facilities and membership also be closed committees. The board disagrees with limiting members from joining any team or committee not specifically stated in the bylaws except for lifelines and the worship team.

Topic: Old Business

  • Because of some complaints that have been received about animals in the building, the board discussed if animals should be allowed in the building during the Sunday service or at any other time. It was generally agreed upon that animals can be a distraction during the service, but the larger concern is the dander and allergies.
  • There was 1 vote taken by email since the last board meeting. The results of that vote is as follows: On June 22nd at 12:52pm Petra called for an email vote to the following motion: UUCS shall put on hold for now our intent and efforts to purchase the 1/3 acre at the defined location from the current Munsel property, and instead, re-activate it with the new owner by offering him /her the previous purchase price plus substantial financial assistance to replace the current septic system. At 1:47pm Paul P. offered to amended motion as follows: UUCS shall put on hold for now our intent and efforts to purchase the 1/3 acre at the defined location from the current Munsel property, and instead, reactivate it with the new owner. The amended motion was accepted by Petra and called to a vote. Of the 8 board members, all replied in favor of the amended motion. The vote was closed on June 23rd at 5:00pm and was approved.

Topic: Motions

  • John P made a motion that no animals are allowed in the building except for service service animals or at special Sunday services or activity involving animals. Prior notice to the affected parties is required. Susan F-G seconded the motion. 6 people were in favor, 1 person abstained. John will work with facilities to create the implementation procedures by September 2016.
  • A motion was made by Lorna Y to approve the June 14, 2016 board meeting minutes. Elenie S seconded the motion. The motion passed with 6 in favor and 1 abstained.

Topic: Team Reports

  • Lorna Y briefly reviewed the Treasurer’s Report and wanted the board to know how the excess income was handled this year. The major source of additional income from was pledges. The surplus income triggered the approved motion that the surplus be distributed to the employees as a bonus, up to 4% of their income. Approximately $5600 was paid in bonuses to the employees. This left us with a $14,000 surplus which was assigned to a category called “Added income over budget”, and them moved to the Emergency Reserve Fund (subclass Rainy Day Fund). The board supports what was done. Finance will come up with a recommendation on how exactly to handle a surplus in the future.

An Executive Session was called by LJ at 7:29 p.m. and visitors were asked to leave. The Executive Session ended at 8:23 p.m. There were no formal votes conducted in the Executive Session part of the meeting. According to the bylaws, “discussions are to be kept confidential by all participants, subject to the chairs’ approval of release of information”.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next Board meeting will be Thursday, August 11, at 6:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Paul Parmley.

Last modified by Paul B. Parmley 7/20/16

Approval Date: 8/11/2016