
About Life Lines Lay Ministers

The Caring Committee at UUCS is called Life Lines Lay Ministry. The Life Lines Lay Ministers are members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem who visit members of our community if they are experiencing illness, a loss, are hospitalized, in nursing homes or unable to attend church regularly.

To contact the lay ministers, talk with the persons wearing green stoles on Sunday mornings. You can also connect with them via the Warm Line by phoning the church and selecting that option.  Messages are generally answered within a couple of days.

There are special accommodations for those in a crisis situation.

The lay ministers do not assume the responsibilities of ordained ministers in any way. Their function is to assist in those pastoral activities which do not necessarily require the expertise and credentials of an ordained minister or a professional counselor. They provide a compassionate ear and a calm, abiding, and non-judgmental presence, and will coordinate with others to provide assistance in practical short term matters as well, such as transportation or meals in a time of need. Learn more about the Life Lines Lay Ministers on their committee page.

Memorial services are arranged through the church office. To honor the memory of a member or friend of the congregation who has passed on, you may wish to install a plaque on our Memorial Garden wall.

The Compassionate Connection

After the service on the second Sunday of the month, in the front of the sanctuary, Life Lines Lay Ministers and sympathetic members of the congregation meet with those who want to share their life challenges with a small group and receive ‘hands on’ comforting. While the circle is not comprised solely of Life Lines Lay Ministers and therefore matters spoken of there should not be assumed to be held in confidence, many derive solace from sharing and connecting with a small group.