The March 2017 Share the Plate Recipient is the Partner Church Fund

Simenfalva church

Simenfalva churchThe March Share-the-Plate recipient is our Partner Church Fund. This is our annual fund raiser, which we use for committee administrative costs and funds we share with our partner church in Simenfalva, Romania.  

We have had a relationship with Simenfalva since the late 1990’s, and cemented our connection in 2002 when both churches signed a Covenant of Partnership. Since then we have exchanged visits and helped financially with several projects. The last several years we have helped fund the finishing construction of a social hall on the grounds of the parsonage, as well as collecting needed items to ship to the church to be used by the doctors and folks in the village.  We have recently sent OTC pain relievers, reading glasses, English books for students, etc. You may remember in December we sold crocheted ornaments made by the church women – they will use the money earned when they host a gathering of women from 24 district congregations in April. Our partner minister, Rev. Sandor Szen, recently conveyed their gratitude for that help.

Rev. Sandor has asked for our help with the project coming up this summer. The 103-year-old parsonage needs extensive repairs – replacing seven windows, and repairing much of the deteriorating exterior of the building. The contractor gives an estimate of about $6500 for the work. Sandor reminds us that most of the villagers have low incomes, and the Roma who attend the church, even less, so local funding won’t be too helpful. As far as is known now, our support is the only other source of funding. I hope that it will be possible for us to make a meaningful dent in that total.

It would be helpful, if people are so inclined, to write checks to UUCS, with “Partner Church” on the memo line.

Thank you to all who have supported our Partner Church and fellow Unitarians in the past, and who will continue your interest and support! 

Rev. Szen and his congregation are very appreciative.

Jean Sherbeck, Partner Church Team